Welcome to my home page. I am the Postmaster, NAD, Bitnet info/tech
Rep for node "qb001.bitnet". I am also the Outreach/Media Chairperson
for the Queens chapter of P-FLAG.
You can send me email at the following address:
(or ldnqb@qb001.bitnet if your system knows how)
or click on the icon. (you can replace the userid ldnqb with
You can also e-mail on my dorsai account: ldnqb@dorsai.org
Here are some information you might like:
Rules to the game of Bid Whist
Here are some links you might like:
The City University of New York
Cuny's gopher
click here for Yahoo
click here for dorsai
click here for panix
click here for p-flag Queens homepage
The Whole Internet Catalog
World Wide Yellow Pages
A Beginner's Guide to HTML
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